Rajasthan Solar – Total Installed capacity reaches 670.5 MW as of 31.12.2013

A total of 117.75 MW of Solar energy generating capacity was added in Rajasthan during the period during the fiscal year 2013-14 till December 2013. RRECL has released the latest numbers after its earlier update 6 months back. (More details here). The capacity addition trend during the past 4 years is given below.

Installed capacity 31122013

These projects are spread across 11 districts, but almost 50% of the total capacity is in Jodhpur, 21.5% in Jaisalmer and 15.4% in Bikaner. The interesting fact is that a total of about 86% of the total capacity is concentrated in these 3 adjoining districts.

Districtwise 31122013

REC based projects are the most in number, but JNNSM Phase 1, Batch 2 projects contribute most to the capacity.

Scheme 31122013
The complete details are available at the RRECL website here.
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