Market Entry – 1

Market Entry Strategy

A German BOS manufacturer based in south Germany
The firm decided to enter the Indian solar market and engaged RESolve to assist in building the India operations for the firm.
The assignment lasted 18 months. During this period, RESolve

  • Provided market intelligence about the landscape of the Indian Solar market
  • Conducted extensive competitor analysis (prices, services, etc.)
  • Set up an initial sales office to gauge the market
  • Facilitated meetings with prospective customers and helped the client in getting the first orders
  • Facilitated meetings with potential vendors and partners for local assembly of hardware and software development
  • Provided extensive legal and advice on taxation during the incorporation process through RESolve’s partners
  • Recruited talented people and build a strong team
  • Provided continuous guidance on the market


  • Got the first set of clients – top EPC company and a top Project developer
  • Initially set up as a sales office and then Incorporated a private limited company
  • The Indian team was built up – starting from 1 employee in the beginning to 20 employees currently
  • Set up complete infrastructure(office, website, marketing material like brochures, etc)