Kerala Solar Rooftop Programme – Tata Power Solar leads the way

In the first phase of the Kerala Solar rooftop programme, Tata Power Solar(TPS) has been the most successful so far. According to an update published by ANERT, the renewable energy nodal agency for Kerala, subsidy has been released to 953 households(as of 18 December 2013) under the 10,000 rooftop power plants programme. Of these 953 households, 525 beneficiaries have installed TPS systems. TPS is followed by Power One Micro systems(67 systems)(not to be confused with the global inverter manufacturer), Ammini Solar(65 systems), Solar Integration Sytems Pvt Ltd(59 systems) among others. The list of beneficiaries can be accessed here.
In an interview with a newspaper earlier this week, Dr. M Jayaraju, Director of ANERT updated that so far about 6,600 systems have been installed in the state(read here) even though subsidy has been released to only about 1000 households. It is estimated that TPS systems have been installed in more than 40% of the households.
As per the details published by ANERT, TPS has dealers and after sales network in all 14 districts of the state. However, there are a few other empanelled agencies with a larger dealer network. Chemtrols has 26 dealers and Moserbaer also has a representative in all the districts. (The details of all the empanelled agencies along with the prices offered by each of them for a 1 kW system is available here).
With a strong brand name, very good geographic coverage and launch of new off-grid products like Dynamo(details here) and Sunjeevini(details here), Tata Power Solar is well positioned to become a market leader in the next phase of the Kerala rooftop programme which will expand the incentives to another 15,000 households.
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1 thought on “Kerala Solar Rooftop Programme – Tata Power Solar leads the way”

  1. after-sales and financing need to be important aspects of rooftop solar pv system also which the manufactures forget to take care and get bad name in the process n with time as happened with many in other states where they have gone independently hence the focus of ANERT should be to creating a sustainable market of rooftop SPV system across the state rather then few pockets/cities of kerela who can afford them hence even district wise quota of further subsidy release could also haven planned for evenly distribution of rooftop SPV so as can be demo projects to popularize such system among the people in each district.

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