Haryana Power Purchase Centre(HPPC), on behalf of the Haryana Distribution companies(Discom) Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVN) & Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited( DHBVN), has released tender documents for 50 MW of solar PV capacity. The tender was released in order to meet the Renewable Purchase Obligations(RPOs).The highlights of the tender are as follows.
1. Project allocation – through tariff based competitive process.
2. Minimum capacity of a plant – 1 MW(AC)
3. Power Purchase Agreement(PPA) duration – 25 years
4. Reference price – Generic tariff issued by Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission(HERC)
5. Annual CUF consideration – 19% maximum and 17% minimum, subject to grid availability.
6. Penalty for shortfall in generation – Forbearance price of RECs for solar energy, for the difference in contracted energy and energy actually delivered at delivery point
7. Excess Generation – Any excess generation over 19% CUF will be purchased by HPPC at a fixed tariff of Rs. 3/ kWh.
8. Financial closure – 180 days from the date of signing PPA.
9. Commissioning date – 1 year from the date of signing PPA.
Date of submission of bids – 14.05.2014 before 13.00 Hrs
Date of Techno-commercial bid opening – 14.05.2014 at 15.00 Hrs
Pre-bid meeting – 05.05.2014 at 11.30 Hrs
The tender document can be downloaded here.
HPPC has also released tender documents for non-solar renewable energy. The total capacity available is 100 MW in this category, and the documents can be downloaded here.
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