India – Grid connected Solar capacity crosses 3 GW ; 886 MW added in 2014

According to the latest numbers released by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE), the total grid-connected renewable energy capacity stood at 33,792 MW(as of 31 December 2014), out of which 9.1% was contributed by solar. The installed capacity of wind and solar were 22,465 MW and 3,063 MW respectively. During the calender year 2014, a total of 2,314 MW of wind capacity and 886 MW of solar capacity were added. The details are given below.
Installed Capacity 31 Dec 2014
On the off-grid power generation side, the installed capacity of solar PV systems stands at 227.12 MW, and in case of Solar Water Heating, the cumulative collective area is 8.63 million Sq.meters.
The details can be accessed here.


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1 thought on “India – Grid connected Solar capacity crosses 3 GW ; 886 MW added in 2014”

  1. The focus should shift towards Biomass Gasifier technology to generate power locally in the range of 500 kw to 2 mw to convert the locally available biomass to power. This will help reduce Global Warming as otherwise this potential energy (waste) are burnt or mulched (wasted). This will reduce the pressure on grid, improve employment, reduce transmission loss, increase income of farmers (as waste has a value and almost 70% of all agriculture product is discarded as waste). Also Biomass Power is the only renewable energy which is reliable, available where you want and when you want…..

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