Solar PV – Bankruptcies, warranties and implications for Indian project developers

1. “Will PV prices continue to fall forever?” 2. “What will happen to the 25 year warranties provided by PV manufacturers that have gone/will go bankrupt?” These were some of the important issues raised by Mr. Sunil Gupta, Global Head of Technology & CleanTech at Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore in his presentation at the Intersolar […]

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The emerging contours of the JNNSM Phase 2

The much anticipated policy for the Phase 2 of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission(JNNSM) by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) is expected to be released in December 2013. Mr. Tarun Kapoor, Joint Secretary of MNRE, announced this during the opening ceremony of the Intersolar India 2012 conference on 5th November 2012. According

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Rooftop solar PV in India – Gujarat and Kerala show the way

With the power tariff hikes and the rise in power cuts in most states, rooftop solar PV is increasingly being viewed as a solution to these problems. As we mentioned in an article last week, there is a growing optimism that rooftop solar PV has a huge potential and with proper policy and regulatory support,

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10,000 Solar PV rooftops – Kerala follows Germany’s example

Almost every solar programme in India, be it JNNSM or the state policies like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, among others, is focused on mostly grid connected utility scale projects. Policy support for Off-grid PV systems is sometimes announced as an afterthought, and in some cases, they do not even find a mention. For example, while

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Rooftop PV – A revolution brewing in India?

After being in the shadows of large ground mounted systems during the first 3 years of the JNNSM, rooftop PV has started capturing the attention of policy makers across the country. With the announcement of Generation Based Incentives(GBI) by Tamil Nadu for residential rooftop PV systems, the real “mainstreaming”of PV is happening. It is not

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TN Solar Policy – Residential Consumer’s Perspective

Tamil Nadu recently announced its solar policy. Madhavan Nampoothiri, Director of RESolve, had covered the highlights of the policy in an earlier blog post. While the policy is quite ambitious, there are several issues that need to be addressed. In this post, we examine the attractiveness of the Generation Based Incentive(GBI) for rooftop PV system,

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Tamil Nadu Solar Policy Released- The Most Ambitious State Policy Till Date…

The great solar(gold) rush moves to Tamil Nadu. The state, reeling under massive power cuts of upto 16 hours every day in many parts of the state caused by lack of enough generation capacity, has resorted to Solar in a big way.This most anticipated policy plans to achieve its targets of 3000 MW in 3

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Empowering Rural India using Solar and other Renewables – 28 Case studies

It is a well known fact that about 400 million people in India do not have access to electricity and about 625 million people use biomass as cooking fuel. Kerosene is also used in enormous quantities for cooking and lighting. The impact of these fuels is quite well documented – the smoke they produce cause

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Indian Solar industry’s love affair with Central Inverters

1 GWp cumulative solar capacity – that is a statistic the Indian solar industry can be proud of. From less than 10MWp of capacity in December 2010, India crossed the 1 GWp milestone in July 2012, at an astonishing pace. During this period, most of the discussions on  solar PV centered around PV module technologies.

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