Madhavan Nampoothiri was interviewed by PV Magazine for their coverage of the Andhra Pradesh State Solar Policy.
Madhavan Nampoothiri, Founder and Director of RESolve Energy Consultants told pv magazine that the new policy is not driven by FITs, but rather focuses on Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) regulations, and Renewable Energy certificates (REC). As such, the success of the policy depends upon the enforcement of the RPO in a lot of states in India.
“Since the AP policy does not have any Domestic Content Requirement (DCR), there are no barriers for foreign solar companies to sell their products or even set up power projects. Overall, I would say that there is a level playing field for foreign companies,” Nampoothiri added.
Nampoothiri added, “The policy says that ‘technical feasibility for evacuation will be granted within 21 days’. It is unclear whether they are saying that they will grant the permit within 21 days or decide whether a permit can be given within 21 days. If it is the latter, then the timeframe is realistic, but not so if it is about granting the permit.”
Read more:–andhra-pradesh-announces-solar-policy_100008650/#ixzz2EotN5SUK