Madhavan Nampoothiri was interviewed for PV Insider’s article ‘India’s upcoming PV rooftop revolution’. The article talks about the untapped potential in solar rooftop installations in India.
… As a forthcoming paper on rooftop systems in India, by RESolve Energy Consultants, points out, the energy supply in the country has not been able to keep pace with the increase in demand, a situation which contributed to massive blackouts over the summer.
Against this backdrop, it makes sense for policy makers to encourage uptake of distributed energy sources such as rooftop PV. And, indeed, residential customers may not need that much encouragement.
4GW by 2017
“Regarding the potential mentioned by KPMG, we feel that 4GW by 2017 is very much feasible,” declares Madhavan Nampoothiri, founder and director of RESolve. “In fact, our estimates show that the potential is significantly higher.
“However, the actual adoption could be only a small percentage of the potential, due to different challenges.”…
For the complete article, click here.