The latest data released by the MNRE shows that the first 4 months of the Financial year saw only a marginal increase in the solar installed capacity. The total installed capacity stood at 2737.6 MW as of 11 August 2014 as against 2631.9 MW on 31 March 2014.
The bulk of the capacity addition came from two states – Maharasthra(31.5 MW) and Andhra Pradesh(32.3 MW). Gujarat and Rajasthan continue to be at the top, with a combined share of 61% of the total installed capacity in the country.
The state-wise installation status is given below.
The details can be downloaded from the MNRE website here.
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rooftop solar PV system for residential consumers, BIPV for commercial consumers can greatly increasing the installed solar capacity across all cities of India if one time tax incentive is given for say 1 KW system for residential consumers and 10KW for commercial consumers similar to tax incentive on principle payment for first house buying in IT. The limit of IT rebate can be fixed at 50000 for residential consumers and 5 lakh for commercial consumers in thr Income tax returns.