Rs. 4730 Crores sanctioned for off-grid solar subsidies for the Phase 2 of JNNSM

The MNRE has notified that it has received the President of India’s approval for the continuation of the “Off-grid and decentralised” scheme in the Phase 2 of JNNSM and a total of Rs. 4730 Crores has been allocated for the entire 12th plan period(which coincides with the Phase 2 of the JNNSM). The notification an be downloaded here.
MNRE has also published the revised operational guidelines for the implementation of the scheme. Some of the notable changes are reproduced below.
3.2.b – The Ministry will provide a subsidy of 40% of the benchmark cost of the systems to individuals for installation of small capacity(up to 300Wp) power packs/plants and solar water pumping systems( up to 5kWp). The Ministry will also provide a subsidy of 30% of the benchmark cost of the systems to individuals for installation of small capacity power plants (from 300Wp to 1.0 kWp capacity ). “
The boundary conditions for support to off-grid PV applications are as follows.
Boundary conditions for Off-grid support
The detailed operational guidelines can be downloaded here.

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